Padahastasana Steps by Steps Guide To Do


Source:- stylecraze . com

Padahastasana is a stretching yoga pose. The word Padahastasana derives from Sanskrit word “Pad” which means foot, “Hasta” means hand and “Asana” mean Yoga Pose. In this posture, the seeker touches his feet with his hands, hence the name of this seat is Padahastasana. Padahastasana has many health benefits. So let’s know the Padahastasana steps to know how to do this and be beneficial by doing this.

In today’s era, everyone wants to feel healthy and strong. But in an unbalanced diet, irregular lifestyle and runaway life, he has difficulty in achieving this. It is possible through yoga, but for this, it is necessary that you take some time for yourself so that you can improve your life. In addition to stains of the skin due to Padahastasana, it also helps in eliminating dark circles under the eyes. See Padahastasana steps below.

Padahastasana is the eleventh yoga posture among the twelve yoga posture of Suryanamaskara. Padahastasana strengthens your knees and thighs. It gives a deep stretch to hamstrings, calves, back of thighs and lower back.

This posture is a posture similar to Ushrasana. It is difficult to do this posture, but can easily do this posture by practicing everyday.


Source :- tripadvisor . com



  • Padahastana helps to reduce abdomen fat.
  • Padahastana helps in Indigestion.
  • Padahastana increases flexibility.
  • Good practice of Padahastana increase height.
  • Padahastana also increases muscle strength.
  • Padahastana reduces stress, anxiety, and fatigue by energizing the body.
  • Padahastana is beneficial for those who suffer from problems relevant to throat and nasal.


Padahastasana Steps by Steps Guide To Do

Source :- finessyoga . com

Padahastasana Steps:

Paddahastasan should practice in a clean and airy place.

Step 1:

The first Padahastasana steps are to Stand in the direction of carefulness while keeping shoulders and spinal cord straight.

Step 2:

In the progression of Padahastasana’s second phase, begin by elevating both hands gradually, directing them to the right side of the shoulder. Lift the shoulders slightly forward and extend upwards toward the head.

Step 3:

Keep in mind that the shoulders are adjacent to the ear.

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Step 4:

The palms facing towards the front. When the arms get parallel to each other, then gradually turn the waist straight and start moving downwards while taking inhalation. This is the fourth Padahastasana steps.

Step 5:

Be careful while bending that the shoulders stay close to the ears.

Step 6:

Keeping the knee straight, try both hands holding both the heels and the forearm by touching the forehead by kneeling near the ankle.

Step 7:

Keep breathing out in the inside. Stay in this condition for 30-40 seconds according to convenience.

padahastasana steps

Source :- artofliving . org

Step 8:

Slowly get up from this situation to come back.

Step 9:

Come back into a resting position after coming back to the stacked posture and waving the hands again.

Step 10:

Do this pose 5 to 7 times.

This posture should not be used for people with back pain and back pain. Do not do any action of this asana with shock. It can lead to a sprain in the neck and so on.